Freedom Caucus Top Priority Issues – Part Two

Below are the rest of the top ten Freedom Caucus priorities. We will protect personal freedoms, shrink government and governmental control, reinforce traditional family values, reduce spending and taxes, and promote Constitutional Conservative values as intended by the Founding Fathers of the United States.

6. Reforming Emergency Powers of the Governor. In 2023, the Legislature made minor changes to Jim Justice’s misuse of his emergency powers during the Chinese Communist pandemic. We must do more to ensure no one can devastate our society again under the sham guise of a health emergency.

7. Restricting Mailing Abortion Pills to West Virginia. The Freedom Caucus will fight to restrict the murder of the unborn by the importation by the Left of abortion pills into our state. 

8. State Guard. We are entering a global war. Our National Guard, including many law enforcement officers & first responders, will deploy to this war. We need a State Guard to respond to crises (primarily natural disasters & other emergencies), maintain order during crises and civil disturbances, and provide civil defense.

9. Tax Cuts and Holding the Economic Development Authority in Check. We are committed to cutting spending and taxes. We will work to rein in Jim Justice’s ‘Economic Development’ Authority spending of the People’s money. We believe in Free Enterprise, not picking winners and losers. We must cut taxes to help the People, not the favored few.

10. Balanced Budget/Fiscal Responsibility Amendment to U.S. Constitution. Since 1979, enough states have asked Congress to call a Convention of States (COS) for a balanced budget amendment. But Congress refuses to call the COS. West Virginia will join a lawsuit to force Congress to do its duty. But we will also call a COS in Charleston, despite Congress’ obstruction. We must rein in our out-of-control federal government and its insane bankrupt spending.

If you want these bills passed, you must reach out to your delegate and state senators.


WV Freedom Caucus Endorsements - Primary 2024


Freedom Caucus Top Priority Issues – Part One