Principles for West Virginia Conservatives

Principles for West Virginia Conservatives

Adherence to the 2020 WV GOP Platform.

Additional Principles:

1. Federalism - our state government must actively exercise its powers under federalism to confront any Biden regime effort exceeding the federal government’s Constitutional authorities, or threatening the liberty, livelihood, or well-being of the People, and our Constitutional Republic. See also the 2020 WV Republican platform regarding the Tenth Amendment.

2. Size of government – Government must be reduced as much and as quickly as possible.

3. Deregulation - The Legislature must pass bills to support free enterprise and manufacturing, and eliminate excessive environmental regulations that unnecessarily impede business. See also the 2020 WV Republican platform.

4. Government spending – Spending must be reduced. Spending should not be used to pick winners and losers, as that is not the role of government.

5. Lower taxes – The People’s money should remain with the People, and not be excessively taxed for unnecessary spending. See also the 2020 WV Republican platform.

6. State government subsidies for businesses, in the form of grants, loans, loan guarantees, are economically unsound, inefficient and counterproductive, and will not be used.

7. Economic development – Our state economic development authorities should invite companies sharing the values of the People of West Virginia to leave Leftist states and locate to West Virginia.

8. Federal dollars – our state and county governments must wean themselves off of federal assistance since federal dollars come with requirements that often work against the wants and needs of the People of West Virginia.

9. Digital currency – West Virginia must stand against any efforts to develop a digital currency either in the U.S. or in West Virginia, as digital currencies are another means for elites to dictate how we may live our lives.

10. Right to work –West Virginia’s right to work laws must be strengthened.

11. Parental rights – The Legislature must pass a parents’ bill of rights, and other pro-parent policies recognizing parents are the most important determinant of how a child will be raised. Parents also have critical responsibilities, and if they fail in legal responsibilities they must be held to account. See also the 2020 WV Republican platform.

12. Sexualization of children. Sexual indoctrination of students will not be tolerated. Grooming of children regarding sex or gender identity by any state, county or municipal employee is illegal and will result in criminal penalties and termination.

13. Transgender issues - No mutilation, either by surgery or puberty blockers, of children will be allowed. Use of surgery or puberty blockers will result in criminal penalties.

14. Men in Women’s sports and restrooms - In West Virginia government buildings or buildings managed by organizations receiving funding from the State of West Virginia, including schools and school-related activities, individuals may only participate on sports teams and use restrooms, locker rooms and changing facilities that correspond to their sex at birth. See also the 2020 WV Republican platform.

15. Education – Our educational system should be grounded in Patriotic and Constitutional education, not Leftist indoctrination. All school systems must be required to conduct Freedom Week classes per state code, including information from The President’s Advisory 1776 Commission. See also the 2020 WV Republican platform.

16. Critical Race Theory (CRT) – CRT must be banned in all West Virginia government institutions or any entity receiving funding from the State of West Virginia. No teaching, purveying or endorsing any inherently divisive concepts, including CRT, or other racist or Leftist-focused propaganda from any state-supported institutions, including public education will be allowed. Schools should never indoctrinate our youth with anti-American, anti-Liberty, anti-Free Enterprise and/or racist propaganda.

17. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion programs – DEI programs in government institutions promote division designed to undermine and balkanize our society; all DEI programs must be terminated immediately.

18. ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) – ESG is an effort by the Left to weaponize Free Enterprise against the values of the People of West Virginia and America; ESG constitutes a threat to our republic, in that it promotes a far-Left ideology to facilitate suppression of the fundamental rights of the People; no state funds shall be provided to any entity engaging in ESG activities.

19. Crime - Crime must be prosecuted and convicted criminals must be punished. Rehabilitation has a place, but not at the expense of public safety and the public good. Prosecutors and judges who fail to uphold the law and public safety must be removed. See also the 2020 WV Republican platform.

20. Leftist terrorism – the Left is successfully using terrorism to undermine our society, legal systems and our republic. The Legislature must pass bills to outlaw terrorism and prevent terrorists from coming to West Virginia.

21. 2nd Amendment –See the WV Republican platform.

22. Illegal immigration – See the 2020 WV Republican platform. The Legislature must pass bills to make bringing illegal immigrants into West Virginia a crime.

23. Illegal drugs – Fentanyl should be declared a weapon of mass destruction, and the Legislature should pass bills to allow charging individuals bringing opioids and other life-threatening drugs into West Virginia with use of weapons of mass destruction and murder.

24. Election integrity. Elections for all offices should be conducted on the day of the General Election in November. To ensure clarity and accuracy, West Virginia should revert to paper ballots and hand counting. Voter IDs must be required for every voter. Primaries should be closed to non-party members. All elections should be partisan. Penalties for election fraud should be significantly increased. See also the 2020 WV Republican platform.

25. Abortion – there is an inherent right to life for any baby in the womb. See also the 2020 WV Republican platform.

26. Energy independence and freedom – all energy sources must be treated equally. Federal subsidies for certain energy sources should be offset by state taxes on those sources to level the playing field. See also the 2020 WV Republican platform.

27. Climate change – The notion of man-made climate change is being used by global elites to facilitate greater control over the lives of Americans.

28. Private sector solutions should be used whenever possible for services government provides, including education, health care and transportation.

29. Eminent domain – West Virginia governments must reduce the use of eminent domain to issues deemed truly essential for the state, civil defense, or necessary public infrastructure needs.

30. Political prosecutions – political prosecutions of Americans are illegal and those who conduct or participate them are criminals; political prosecutions against West Virginian’s must result in legal actions against the perpetrators by the State of West Virginia.

31. Political persecution – use of government entities to harass individuals or groups for political purposes are illegal and those who conduct or participate in political persecution are criminals; political persecution of West Virginian’s must result in legal actions against the perpetrators by the State of West Virginia.

32. Corruption – corruption must be rooted out at all levels of government. Corrupt politicians and officials must pay a high price for their misdeeds.

33. Illicit mandates – Personal and religious exemptions should be allowed for any mandatory vaccinations. Parents should decide on vaccinations for their children. Governments should not mandate any individuals use a face mask, face shield, or other face covering. Forcing individuals to use a face mask, shield, or covering a condition for entry, education, employment, or services should be prohibited.